In this exciting episode, we sit down with the incredible Georgina Hill-Brown, also known as the Honest Vocal Coach. Georgina is a much-loved star in the YouTube community, having experienced a meteoric rise from 1,000 subscribers to over 200,000 in just three years. Her immensely popular series of "Vocal Coach Reacts" videos have garnered a staggering 40 million views, captivating audiences worldwide.

As a highly accomplished singing teacher, specialising in nurturing the talents of children and young adults in singing and musical theatre, Georgina's expertise is unmatched. Having worked with renowned acts such as The Saturdays and Atomic Kitten for huge platforms like MTV and the BBC, Georgina's wealth of experience shines through in her talents.

In this exclusive interview, we delve into Georgina's highlights of the Eurovision Song Contest 2023, she treats us to a mesmerizing live rendition, and we delve into her personal journey into the world of music and explore the profound impact that spirituality has had on her life and career.

Follow @thehonestvocalcoach for all her latest updates on Instagram!

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