Data can be spread everywhere with different touchpoints of the organisation with the risk of losing knowledge, agility and having several version of the truth. So how to create a data-driven organisation and onboard all different parties at the same level of Data? How to educate them?Business & Decision Expert Podcast strives to answer business questions in the domain of Data & Digital. For this episode, we will discuss about UX Design and why this expertise is more and more important in our digital age. For this episode Gerrit Denayer, Business & Decision Marketing Director interviewed Abed Ajraou, Head of Data & Insights at E-ON Next.

What we will discuss in this podcast episode:

A clear definition of Data-Driven company

How can we solve the multiplicity of data sources within a company

How to educate internal people from different sides (IT/Business)

Focus on the Data Community: what it is &how it helps in the Data-Driven implementation strategy?

Example of the Data Community at E-ON Next

What can be done at company level to get both world?

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