Kingka Podcast - K-Drama and Language Learning

Kingka Podcast - K-Drama and Language Learning


Reviewing your favorite K-drama and K-movies while catching up with the trends in the Korean language and culture. Let's talk more on Twitter @RomeJuanatas or @kingkapodcast | Kingka Podcast is part o...

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Reviewing your favorite K-drama and K-movies while catching up with the trends in the Korean language and culture. Let's talk more on Twitter @RomeJuanatas or @kingkapodcast | Kingka Podcast is part of the BUNK Collective. Discover more podcasts at and connect with us through social media @thebunkph | Support this podcast through and | For inquiries, e-mail us at

Podden och tillhörande omslagsbild på den här sidan tillhör Rome Juanatas | BUNK Collective. Innehållet i podden är skapat av Rome Juanatas | BUNK Collective och inte av, eller tillsammans med, Poddtoppen.