
GOD'S Hz Abundance Activation Devotion| Calling In Wealth & Prosperity | God's Words Music Prayers


SUBSCRIBE & ENJOY - FEEL OUR GLOBAL LOVE ECSTASY as only we PRAY FOR YOU 1208 days in a row 🙏 Unite & ACT IMMEDIATELY 🚀 Set your alarm clock ⏰ every day for 19:00 to unlock God’s Most POWERFUL Unlimited daily Blessings for you, your friends, family, organizations, all leaders and Presidents - unite all together & pray 1+ minute in the #GlobalPrayersChain for ultimate global peace 2024. 🕊️ As only leaders with prayers Like You have historically created lasting peace:

-WATCH Today's Most Powerful Summit in direct presence of God VIDEO 📺

-IMMEDIATELY DONATE for all your peace dreams come true 🎁

- COMMENT & SHARE our #MessageToBillions 💬

- & ENJOY #PrayWithNick Daily in global devotions for:

-Ultimate Global #Peace2024 - 2027 🌎

-Restoration of all countries to God 2024🙏

-Immediate Peace in Holy Land, Ukraine, Congo, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Yemen, Syria, Israel, Myanmar, Palestine, Sudan, Algeria, and all global hot spots 2024 🌍

-True Parents, True Children, True Family, and True Mother's health ❤️

-Healing Oceans and the Environment 2024 🌊

-Planting 1 billion+ trees globally 2024 🌳

-Peaceful reunification of South and North Korea this year 🇰🇷

-A global economy benefiting all nations and people 2024 🌐

-Ceasing weapons production and distribution in all countries thus investing only in peace-building and humanity mutual prosperity 2024 🛠️

-God's Marriage Blessing for all families 💒

-Unity of all religions 2024 ✝️☪️🕉️☸️✡️

-Building Peace Road globally 2024 🛤️

-Ending all wars and sanctions 2024 ✌️

-Reforming health care systems for good, globally 2024 🏥

-Liberation of Our Heavenly Parent and ancestors 2024 🙏

-Science and religion unity 2024 🙏 Aju & Amen

🌟 Today's #WordOfGod - Humanity desires a peaceful world. Yet even after hundreds of millions of years there is no peace. For fallen people, peace is not possible. Who is the owner of peace? In order for a family to be peaceful the mother and father, who are the owners of peace, have to teach their family members the origin and contents of peace and how to put these into practice. We will not find eternal peace until this happens. Did our human ancestors find peace? Adam and Eve became enemies. You who have received the blood of those enemies endure constant batdes between your body and mind. Why did your body and mind start fighting? The fight began because the original source of peace was lost and destroyed. How could people who have not found the criteria for peace between their body and mind find peace in the world? People who fight are expelled from their family, their nation and the world. Today, with the entire human race battling between mind and body, how can anyone go to the kingdom of God? No matter how much you focus on the mind, you will not get there. The purpose of religion is to bring unity between the body and the mind. (347-225, 2001.07.05)


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CALL 📞 +79811308385 WhatsApp Pr. Nicolae Cirpala

❤️ As the ONLY PROVE THAT YOU REALLY WANT PEACE - SHARE this #MessageToBillions LOVE with everyone you know in True Love Mobilization for all 8B+ humans to finish building Ultimate Global #Peace2024 - 2027, Ok?

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