Slam the Gavel welcomes George Roche to the show. He was last on the show Season 3, Episode 68. George Roche has a Masters in Clinical Psychology with a focus on Family Systems, Child Development and the various forms of abuse related to Parental Alienation.

    He also brings a BA in Business Administration to the Presidency and CEO of America and Canadian Rights Watch, a human rights defense organizations that provide various logistics consultations, legal referrals and mental health services to citizens.

    We had a great discussion on shame and guilt and how toxicity is really shared. Children learn to adapt to the way things are being done within the family whether it is broken or not. When a person is unfinished and they have kids, they wind up having the same needs their kids do, so the kids will trigger the developmental stages of the parent. When the child reaches the stage the parent was wounded in, that stage is going to call up the parent's wounds because they won't know what to do. As a child goes through his or her developmental stages  they are going to trigger the needs the parent did not get met at each of those stages, specifically infancy, toddler,  preschool and school age.

     George advises to avoid the adversarial arenas as it's no longer about the children. EXCELLENT discussion not only on the courts, but the psychology of Parental Alienation that happens prior to marriage.

To Reach George Roche: Watch

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