The Cultural Life of Money and Finance podcast explores money and finance through the arts and humanities – asking new questions about finance, the global financial system, and financial behaviour in the twenty-first century. In a series of conversations with researchers and practitioners, we look at how money is being, and has been, thought about in different contexts – across historical, cultural, ethical, religious, social, and material settings.

The Cultural Life of Money and Finance project is based at the University of Leeds, and is led by Matthew Treherne, Rachel Muers and Mark Davis.  The project is supported by the Leeds Arts and Humanities Research Institute, and by the Leeds Creative Labs scheme at the Cultural Institute at the University of Leeds.

In this episode, Matthew is joined by Kat Baxter, Curator of Archaeology and Numismatics at Leeds Museums and Galleries ( They discuss Kat's work on a forthcoming exhibition, scheduled for February 2022 in Leeds City Museum, called Money Talks. They discuss the insights that can be gained when a collection of money-related objects are brought to the centre of attention in this way, and Kat discusses some of the key objects in the exhibition - from coin hoards to money-related toys. 

For more information on the Culture Life of Money and Finance Project, please visit, and follow us on Twitter @CulturalMoney.

The podcast was edited by Lisa Trischler.

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The Cultural Life of Money and Finance

Cultural Life of Money and Finance 6: Kat Baxter on how "Money Talks" through numismatics and museum displays
