The myth of Izanagi and Izanami the two Shinto Gods or Kami from the Shinto religion is well-known in Japanese mythology and folklore. They were the gods held accountable for the creation of the Shinto gods, the creation of the world, creation of the Shinto religion and the creation of Japan. the story of Izanagi & Izanami smite gods in Japanese Folklore were the fifth pair of the Shinto gods belonging to the second generation of Japanese Kami, just after the KOTOAMATSUKAMI. Despite being husband and wife, Izanagi and Izanami were brother and sister, but after giving birth to Kagutsushi, Izanami perished burned by the flames of Kagutsushi the god of fire, and went to Yomi and became the queen of the Yokai and demons of the underworld.

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