You’re in a cult! You’re in a cult! We’re allll in a cult! Amanda Montell, host of Sounds Like A Cult and all-around smartest person, joins the Aunties this week. She talks about her new book “The Age of Magical Overthinking,” and dives into why we add more things into our life when the solution is to pare down (the call is coming inside the house!) But that won’t stop Amanda – or the Aunties – from collecting things that just scratch that itch. Like lemon bells, LED candlesticks and bike figurines that remind her of Amsterdam. To quote Taylor Swift: “I got a blank space, baby…” and I’ll fill it with knick knacks.

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Amanda is obsessed with everything from Rifle Paper Co.

She pretends to be an 18th century widow looking for her cat with this Graypants Wick Brass

Amanda cannot with these Utilikits (Utility Kilts)

She is a card-carrying member of the Huntington Gardens 

Pick up “The Age of Magical Overthinking: Notes on Modern Irrationality” wherever you get fine, fine books

Listen to Ku and Su talk about Stanley Cups on Sounds Like A Cult

Love Amanda? Check out her episode on The Cult of Toxic Relationships 

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