Sustainability has become an omnipresent word in fashion. It can be a word that’s open to interpretation, but it’s safe to say that Bethany Williams, a fashion designer based in London, takes it to the next level. Not only does she support various charitable causes each season, donating a percentage of her profits, but Bethany and her team are also working together with charity services to develop new materials and fabrics. When we first met in Paris in January, I was amazed not only by the beautiful collection, but also by the stories behind each garment. Recycled toy waste, old bell tents and recycled blankets have been given a new purpose. For the launch of Bethany‘s AW20 collection at The Wasted Hour and our second podcast season, we talked about her background, how she was laughed at when she first presented her ideas, her first collaboration with Tesco (a multinational grocery and general merchandise retailer),  how she’s doing her research for social causes, her upcoming projects with Adidas and much more- Martin Hufnagel Shop Bethany Williams at The Wasted Hour:

About The Wasted Hour: Concept store & magazine, based in Hamburg/ Germany. Special, selected & sustainable. Visit us: Website: Interview: Martin Hufnagel - Intro, Outro & Mix: Maximilian Ohl -

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