Kabir Barday’s career journey illustrates the power of innovation in privacy. As the Founder, CEO, and Chairman of OneTrust, he has transformed the landscape of privacy automation. He holds a Fellow of Information Privacy with the IAPP, the highest designation of a privacy professional, and is a Henry Crown Fellow at the Aspen Institute. With a BS in Computer Science from the Georgia Institute of Technology, where he serves on the Georgia Tech Advisory Board (GTAB), Kabir continues to lead OneTrust in setting new standards for privacy automation and responsible AI.

In this episode…

Many companies struggle with responsible use of data, AI, and creating privacy programs. From ethical data use to complying with evolving privacy laws and using new AI tools, it can be challenging for companies, especially with manual processes. How can businesses and privacy professionals ease the burden of manual privacy work and keep up with regulations?

Trust has become a fundamental societal trend, so businesses must facilitate trusted interactions with customers and stakeholders by embedding privacy controls into the user experience. Fortunately, there is OneTrust, the company revolutionizing responsible use of data, AI, and privacy management with its proprietary software that automates privacy processes, helps organizations comply with regulations, and builds trust with customers.

Kabir Bardy, Founder, CEO, and Chairman of the Board at OneTrust, joins Jodi and Justin Daniels on this week’s episode of She Said Privacy/He Said Security to discuss OneTrust’s innovative approach to privacy, automation, and AI. Kabir shares AI and privacy trends from Trust Week 2024, how OneTrust champions responsible use of data and AI, and how companies can evolve their privacy programs at various maturity levels.

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