Aaron Mendelsohn is currently Director - Privacy Officer at the LEGO Group in Denmark, where he leads data protection and privacy compliance within the Digital Technologies teams, including LEGO.com, LEGO Insiders, LEGO Marketing, and LEGO Retail. Prior to joining the LEGO Group, Aaron held leadership roles in data protection, privacy, and information security, including creating and managing global data protection and privacy programs at two Fortune 500 companies

In this episode…

Establishing a functional privacy framework within an organization is crucial for maintaining compliance and safeguarding data. It goes beyond simply adhering to legal regulations. Effective privacy management involves understanding how privacy laws and privacy initiatives work together to impact overall business operations. So, how can companies seamlessly integrate privacy into their day-to-day activities?

Customizing privacy objectives to align with a company's individual needs, culture, and risk profile is imperative. To be successful in this approach, privacy professionals must be flexible and strategic, tailoring their strategies to align with organizational priorities through comprehensive policies, privacy-by-design programs, training, and other initiatives.

In today’s episode of She Said Privacy/He Said Security, Jodi and Justin Daniels welcome Aaron Mendelsohn to discuss practical strategies for operationalizing privacy within organizations. Aaron emphasizes integrating people, processes, and technology to achieve effective privacy management. The discussion also underscores the value of targeted privacy training tailored to specific business roles and how privacy professionals can successfully adapt and evolve privacy strategies as business needs change.

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