This week, our new label mate Jonathan Goode joins us on the show for an interview and discussion about his debut release 'Juxtaposition Junction'. Together we'll be dissecting narrative and story telling with music as we gain greater understanding of Jonathan's motivations, inspirations and sonic expeditions.

We'll also be taking a look at the new VINTAGE synth from Behringer. A free VST supposedly modeled on retro synths like the Sequential Prophet and Oberheim OB-X. Behringer say it's worth $100... we'll run through the UI and sound banks so you can make the decision for yourself :)

Grab Juxtaposition Junction here:

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Thanks to our Patrons who support what we do:

Audionauts: Abby, Bendu, David Svrjcek, Josh Wittman, Paul Ledbrook, Matt Donatelli and Stephen Setzepfandt

Lars Haur - Audionaut Producer

Jonathan Goode - Audionaut Producer

Time Stamps:

2:00 Show Start

5:00 Behringer Vintage Demo/UI Walkthrough

25:00 Community Corner

30:00 Crafting Story through Music with Jonathan Goode

53:00 What We're Up To




#behringer #musicproduction

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