Jack Lepiarz is best known to his over 1.3M Followers on TikTok as Jacques Ze Whipper, the wise cracking French Renaissance Performer who is as quick with his whip as he is with the clap backs to the crowd. We sit down and talk about going viral, Baseball and the broken thumb, his multiple Guinness Book of World Records and everything in between. This episode is a hilarious journey into absolute and complete buffoonery. We also talk about the day job a Reporter and News Anchor for WBUR Boston. 

Similar to his stage show this episode is not necessarily safe for children but will definitely have you laughing along.

You can follow him on TikTok and Instagram @jacqueszewhipper

As always please Like, Share & Follow the podcast on TikTok & Instagram @wexappealpodcast for extra content and giveaways. 

Podden och tillhörande omslagsbild på den här sidan tillhör Stephen Wexler. Innehållet i podden är skapat av Stephen Wexler och inte av, eller tillsammans med, Poddtoppen.

Wex Appeal - Barbells, Beats & Buffoonery

23. Jack Lepiarz - aka Jacques Ze Whipper, TikTok Star, Reporter and News Anchor for WBUR Boston
