Joining us on the show this week is the visionary Susan Harper! Continuum teacher, heart-soul-counselor, creative instigator, and inspired teacher of perceptual and movement inquiry; Susan has an incredibly rich and thorough series of offerings that she's brought to thousands of people across the globe since 1975. In this episode we explore Continuum, a unique movement practice that invites us to connect with our fluid body to connect with our deeper oceanic creativity. From there we survey the anatomy of shame, the reciprocal nature of perception, and the importance of connecting to awe. Susan offers online workshops which can be found over at continuummontage.comShow Topics:- What is Continuum- What is the Fluid Body and How Can we Connect to it?- Developing Continuum- The Problems With Overidentifying with our Thinking Mind- The Anatomy of Shame and Embarrassment- The Role of Sensuousness and Feeling- Haptic Perception- How Can We Stay Balanced With the Pain of the World?- Connecting to Awe- Trusting the Deep Heart

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