Feeling stuck with your sales but can’t put your finger on why? There is one specific block that comes up with most of my clients when this happens… and the tricky part is that most people can’t see it in themselves!
In this episode, I’m revealing the secret spiral that so many business owners get into, where you doubt yourself because you’re not making sales, then stop selling because you doubt yourself. It’s a circle that feeds itself and keeps you from showing up and sharing your work passionately.
Tune in for insight on how to notice when you’re avoiding selling, and most importantly discover the reasons why in order to stop the spiral!
If you're looking for some help to make more sales without the ick, my self-paced course Sell That Thing is now open. And I have a very exciting bonus for this round.
Join before 31st Oct and you will be able to join my live 5 day 'Sell That Black Friday Thing' bonus. This means you will be able to plan/create an offer to sell on Black Friday (or small business Saturday if that's more your bag!).
This bonus is a great way to get learn how to put offers out quickly and sell them with joy! Plus it means you'll get a whole heap of coaching from me within the group!
Check out all of the details here: https://www.raydodd.co.uk/sell-that-thing
“People conditioned as women are told to stay small, be nice, be polite, be kind at all costs, be gentle, be humble. Do any of those sound like what we're told selling is like? Selling takes up space. Selling says what I offer is good. Selling repeats itself over and over again.”
“Can you imagine a man going, “I just think my communication style is too direct”, and trying to make it more flowery, more gentle, and more approachable? Women who are more direct are shamed, but equally the wiggly non-linear people are criticized because their style of communication is meandering. It is harder for women to show up on repeat because we have less trust in our own communication styles.”
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