As the nights draw long, the leaves flicker red and brown and carpet the land, and the great hearth fire is stoked.

In from the dark come all manner of creatures, the lost souls of the underworld, seeking shelter from the encroaching frosts.

It is around that fire that we gather tonight for stories of the darkness, tales from the crypt, legends of the beyond.

We are honoured to welcome to the fray;

- Forrest Burgess, the magnificent host of the Astonishing Legends -

- James Shakeshaft, my fellow countryman from Loremen -

- Joshua Cutchin, fantastic author and previous guest on the show -

- Anna Timperley and Lindsey Behee from Ghost In The Attic, Bodies In The Basement -

- 'Toledo' Joe Shortridge, one of the co-hosts of the awesome  222 Paranormal -

and special guest;

- Allen Greenfield, the incredible mind and author behind many books on the subject of the paranormal and the recent Hellier documentary

So join us for a one-night only special ad-free event, the 2021 Peer Beyond The Veil MONSTERS BALL!


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