The surge of AI is currently changing the way we work and live. To avoid feeling left behind, it is important to engage with and understand these tools. This is true for UX designers just as much as almost everybody else. In this episode, we feature Henry Modisett from Perplexity AI and Kate Moran to get two insightful perspectives on the current state of AI and its connection to UX.

Learn more about Henry Modisett

Learn more about Kate Moran



AI for UX: Getting Started (free article)

AI & Machine Learning Will Change UX Research & Design (free video)

AI Improves Employee Productivity by 66% (free article)

AI-Powered Tools for UX Research: Issues and Limitations (free article)

AI: First New UI Paradigm in 60 Years (free article)

Sycophancy in Generative-AI Chatbots (free article)

Information Foraging with Generative AI: A Study of 3 Chatbots (free article)

The ELIZA Effect: Why We Love AI (free article)

Practical AI for UX Professionals (full-day/2 half-day UXC course)


0:00 Intro

1:43 Perplexity AI: History & Value Proposition

10:30 Perplexity AI: Next Steps & Future Developments

15:04 Making AI User Friendly: Generative Interfaces

24:33 Understanding AI as a Consumer Product

28:28 Mental Models for AI

30:41 An Outlook for AI

35:51 NN/g’s Role in the AI Movement

37:34 Anthropomorphism of AI

40:07 Dealing with the Fear of AI

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