Reese, a school principal living in the early 22nd century, unburdens herself with the Confessions 3.0 App. Produced by Rogue Dialogue Productions with Observer Pictures. Written by Faith McQuinn and directed by Faith McQuinn and Bob Raymonda. Cast: Marisha Tapera as Reese Williams Kyle Nishimura as Lincoln Larson Drea Silvertooth as DIPA Brian Huey as PSA Narration Dialogue editing by Bob Raymonda Sound design by Faith McQuinn. Apollyon credits music by Katharine Seaton Follow @ForgiveMeShow on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram Learn more about Apollyon here. Find a transcript of the episode here. Sign up for Bobby’s Snacks here. For early access to episodes and bonus content, become a patron at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Rss Apple Podcaster →