Day 5: Flat Tire and driving back and forth

As usual, we record on the next day, talking about the day before. You will get an intimate insight into our car conversation and how completely creeped and freaked out Steffi was while Google maps send us on a horror road. #sheepseverywhere #creepy #ohno

Exploring Hallormsstaðaskógur national forest

Visiting Skriðuklaustur museum and eating an amazing vegan meal there

Visiting Snæfellsstofa Visitor Centre free exhibition

Visiting Móðir Jörð organic farm

Going to Egilsstaðir to fix the car tire

Visiting the small vending machine Coke Sjálfsalinn on the road to Borgarfjörður eystri

Sleeping at Blábjörg Guesthouse

The episode was recorded on August 10, 2021.

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