Björgvin Benediktsson is an engineer, mixer, educator and best selling author. His book, “You Get What You Give,” is a simple story for finding success in the music business.

He is also a wealth of information when it comes to recording and mixing. The quality of content that he shares with his audience on a daily basis through Audio-Issues is unparalleled.

Here’s a sneak peek inside this episode:

2:25 - Björgvin’s online educational site Audio Issues started through his writings 12 years ago, because he wanted to share his audio school education with others.

3:19 - The things that you're solving for yourself are probably things that other people have issues with, and would like to know the solution to.

3:58 - Don't just learn to learn, learn to apply!! If you haven't applied your lessons or the things you’ve learnt , then they haven't truly solidified.

9:33 - Björgvin’s book “You Get What You Give” is a simple story of finding success in the music business. It is written as a business parable for the musician/music producer.

14:29 - A lot of times it's about taking action in the face of fear.

15:37 - Taking action, putting yourself out there, building an audience, and seeing what resonates with others, will help guide you and your career path.

22:28 - Success can be a numbers game!!

25:06 - Lose what doesn't move the needle, and put what does move the needle into overdrive.

30:59 - Know how to define your own success, and what that success means to you… as your definition of success is not the same as someone else's.

42:41 - Björgvin currently works as a mentor at the university of Arizona, mentoring student teams that are building businesses.

To learn more about Björgvin, go to:

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