Dr Sam Moxon, narrates his blog written for Dementia Researcher.

In this insightful blog, Sam Moxon discusses the surprising silver lining in the link between obesity and dementia. While highlighting the concerning rise in dementia cases due to lifestyle factors, Sam offers a message of empowerment. He argues that understanding the role of obesity in dementia is not just alarming, but also an opportunity for positive change. Through personal anecdotes and scientific insights, he demonstrates how making healthier life choices can significantly reduce dementia risk, turning a daunting prediction into a call for actionable, hopeful change.

Find the original text, and narration here on our website.



Dr Sam Moxon is a biomaterials Research Fellow at University of Birmingham. His expertise falls on the interface between biology and engineering. His PhD focussed on regenerative medicine and he now works on trying to develop 3D bioprinting techniques with human stem cells, so that we better understand and treat degenerative diseases. Outside of the lab he hikes through the Lake District and is an expert on all things Disney.


Enjoy listening and reading our blogs? We're always on the look out for new contributors, drop us a line and share your own research and careers advice dementiaresearcher@ucl.ac.uk

This podcast is brought to you in association with the NIHR, Alzheimer's Association, Alzheimer's Research UK, Alzheimer's Society and Race Against Dementia, who we thank for their ongoing support.

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