Kati Gegenheimer is a painter, writer, and educator currently based in Philadelphia, PA. She received her MFA in Painting & Printmaking at Yale School of Art in 2013 and a BFA in Printmaking & Art History from Tyler School of Art and Architecture in 2007.

Kati Gegenheimer is a painter of experiential presentiment whose works align the sensibilities of foreboding hope. Pattern work and traditions found typically in folk art are employed to depict objects and places not of commemoration but instead as aspirations: these are lauded moments yet to come. This forecasting through the act of making is similar to the act known as scrying. The Cambridge dictionary defines scrying as, ‘to see what will happen in the futureespecially by looking into an object such as a mirror or glassball.’ Kati’s thickly painted surfaces do not immediately transport as the fabled crystal ball would purport to do, I would suggest that the shaped canvas or the framed image act as a site of divination. What appears with the fixed shape rarely alludes back to the compositional device afforded by the framing or form. Instead, it acts as a launching point for themes to play out. Rough impasto surfaces work to reinstate that this is not mere fantasy but that what the painting suggests are facts. Feelings, through the act of painting, become facts.

- Mark Thomas Gibson

more info at https://katigegenheimer.com/ @kati_gegenheimer

Mark Thomas Gibson is represented by Fredericks and Freiser Gallery, (New York, NY), M+B Gallery, (Los Angeles, CA) and Loyal Gallery, (Stockholm, Sweden). He is currently an Assistant Professor of Painting at Tyler School of Art and Architecture, Temple University and lives and works in Philadelphia, PA.

more info at: http://www.markthomasgibson.com/ or @darthgibson

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