Jaqueline  Cedar was born in Los Angeles, CA in 1985  and currently lives and works in Brooklyn, NY.  In 2009 she received an MFA in Visual Arts from Columbia University. Recent exhibitions include solo shows at Carroll House, Keene State College, (2019), Cat Head Press, Indianapolis (2019), Marsh Gallery, Indiana  University (2017), Crush Curatorial, Chelsea (2016), Steven Zevitas Gallery, Boston (2016) and 106 Green Gallery, Brooklyn (2014). She has also been included in exhibitions at Hesse Flatow, New York (2020), Drawer NYC (2020), David Risley Gallery Velvet Ropes,  Copenhagen (2018), Zero Zero Velvet Ropes, Los Angeles (2018), Underdonk, Brooklyn (2018), The Hole Velvet Ropes, New York (2017), and Ortega y Gasset, Brooklyn (2017).  Press includes Huffington Post, New American Paintings, Gorky's Granddaughter, Painters'  Table, and The Boston Globe. Cedar's paintings and drawings address uncanny scenarios where characters engage themselves and one another with sincerity and purpose. Moments of desire, self-reflection, and lack of control motivate postures filled with bravado  and vulnerability.

jaquelinecedar.com / @jaquelinecedar

Good  Naked (Brooklyn, NY) is an exhibition space  curated by Jaqueline Cedar. Projects hover around the intimate and awkward with a focus on work that engages tactility, humor, movement, and play.

goodnakedgallery.com / @good_naked

Ashley  Ekstrum is a painter and multimedia artist  based in Knoxville, TN. She received her BA in Studio Art with a minor in Multimedia Design from Pepperdine University in 2017 while working as a Director’s Assistant at the Weisman Museum. She is currently working as Associate Director of Gallery 1010 and  a Graduate Teaching Associate while pursuing her MFA in Painting and Drawing at the University of Tennessee Knoxville.

ashleyekstrum.hotglue.me / @ashleyekstrum

Sound  and editing by Andy Demczuk

Andydemczuk.com / @andydemczuk

Podden och tillhörande omslagsbild på den här sidan tillhör Heidi Howard. Innehållet i podden är skapat av Heidi Howard och inte av, eller tillsammans med, Poddtoppen.