In the seventh episode of The Mansour Voice, our podcast series, Mr. Mohamed Mansour, Founder and Chairman of Man Capital, is joined by Mr Loutfy Mansour, the CEO of Man Capital, and Mr Tom Vernon, the CEO of Right to Dream, for a discussion of the foundational values that unite their organisations. Man Capital recently unveiled a partnership with Right to Dream which enables greater access to education, opportunity and equality through football. 

In the podcast, Mr Tom Vernon said: While we will directly impact the lives of many people through this partnership, the inspiration and the evidence that it’s possible to achieve is something we’re passionate about communicating to a far wider audience, especially children who face barriers that keep them from reaching their potential. I genuinely believe that the greatest outcome for Right to Dream will be children around the world seeing how the development of their character, skills and purpose can change the direction of their lives. 

Mr Loutfy Mansour added: As a family, we have a passion for football. But I realised what Tom was building is more than just an academy; he wanted to transform people’s lives. From my perspective, it was a question of how Man Capital could support Tom in his mission, and we could see the potential that Right to Dream has. I felt that if we gave Tom the support that he needed, then he could take Right to Dream to another level.

Mr Mohamed Mansour continued: We feel that we have a responsibility to the communities around us, and immediately we could see how the Mansour Group’s values aligned with what Tom was doing with Right to Dream. 

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