With a Ph.D. in counseling, Dr. Annette Athy has dedicated over 20 years to the mental health field. She is a grief specialist and child development expert. With her simple Grief Storm quiz, she helps parents discover which TYPE of griever their child is and then guides them step-by-step through understanding and supporting their child's unique needs in this grieving period. 


Talked about in this episode:

  • Grief at an early age
  • Grief waits for us and stays with us until we are ready to process
  • The Types of Grief Storms
  • It is better to say something wrong than not talk about it at all
  • Take her quiz! 


Free Gift:

"I would like to offer my Grief Storm quiz to help parents identify what type of grief their child is experiencing. https://griefstormquiz.com/

I also created Navigating Loss Together: A Parent's Guide to Talking with Kids. https://annetteathy.com/guides I recently created this guide about each of the grief storms—I have not published it yet. I am creating a video for each. https://www.canva.com/design/DAF0WJJo-Jw/g0TZHl1OUgQg1UjzbEy7qQ/view?utm_content=DAF0WJJo-Jw&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor "


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