Alastair Budge talks about his experience working in technology start-ups and how his ideas about success have changed over time. 

Level: Advanced

Accent: United Kingdom (London)

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5 words and expressions in today's story:

- TO BOND WITH SOMEONE: To develop a close relationship or connection with someone. Examples: "Working on projects together helped us bond as colleagues." or "Playing sports regularly helped me bond with my teammates."

- TO RAISE FUNDING / MONEY: To collect money for a project or business. Examples: "The nonprofit raised funding for charity." or "The entrepreneur raised money for her startup."

- A SLOG: A difficult or tiring task. Examples: "The project was a real slog, but we finished." or "Training for the marathon was a slog, but I did it."

- OUTLOOK: A person's attitude or perspective. Examples: "He has a positive outlook on life." or "A change in career gave her a fresh outlook."

- COLD PLUNGE: Immersing in cold water for health. Examples: "After the sauna, he took a cold plunge." or "Athletes use cold plunges for recovery."

👉 Episode Links: 

- Listen to Bree’s and Alastair’s conversation on YouTube (available April 17, 2024)

- Listen to Alastair’s podcast English Learning for Curious Minds

- Listen to Alastair’s other Into the Story Episode — # 33 | Busking

- Ready to speak English confidently in any situation? Explore our English Coaching Programs at ⁠AC English School

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