Michael Lavers from Level Up English tells a story about trying 16 different jobs in search of something more. 

Level: Upper Intermediate

Accent: United Kingdom (Cornwall)

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5 words and expressions in today's story:

- TO SEE WHAT STICKS: Trying various options to see which ones are successful or well-received. Examples: "The company launched multiple ad campaigns to see what sticks." "I applied to various positions to see what sticks and gets a response."

- TO LET LOOSE: To relax or release control, allowing oneself or others to have fun. Examples: "After a busy week, I like to let loose and go out with friends." "Let's let loose and enjoy our holiday by the beach."

- TO SEE / NOT TO SEE SOMETHING COMING: Anticipating or failing to anticipate an event or situation. Examples: "We saw the storm coming and prepared." "They did not see the market crash coming and suffered significant losses."

- TO HAVE A WORD: Definition: To talk briefly or have a conversation with someone. Examples: "I need to have a word with my partner about our future plans." "Can I have a word with you about something that's been on my mind?"

- TO HAVE SOMETHING LINED UP: To have something planned or arranged, often as a backup or for transitions. Examples: "Before resigning, she made sure to have another job lined up." "It's always wise to have something lined up before making major life changes."

Episode Links: 

- Listen to Bree’s story on Michael's podcast

- Find out more about Michael Lavers at ⁠LevelUpEnglish.school

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