Originally aired as part of Phonic Fiction Fest 2022. Team Reds Care Heater Company Actors: Ellie Stewart, James Cain, Cassandra Tse, Patrick Barnes Sound Design: Patrick Barnes Director: Cassandra Tse Writer: Cassandra Tse Producer: Cassandra Tse 3rd in Horror Fantasy ///TRANSCRIPT https://www.phonicfictionfest.com/transcript/you-are-powerful-beyond-measure //CREDITS Jingle Bells by brolefilmer http://pixabay.com/music/christmas-jingle-bells-12255/ Aurora by Kevin Hartnell https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Kevin_Hartnell/Umbra_1955/Kevin_Hartnell_-_Umbra_-_10_Aurora/ All other sound effects from Soundly Pro library https://getsoundly.com/faq/how-can-i-use-the-sounds ///CONTENT WARNINGS Second person POV Occult/magic Manipulation Conflict between characters Reference to body horror Profanity Loud SFX: Wind, Distorted voices, voices overlapping. Rss Apple Podcaster →