2024 has been the year of super shoe updates, with even more to come! Matt & David get together to talk about their favorite racing shoes of the year so far. They go through their honorable mentions and their podium picks. Then they dive into how to find the right racing shoe for your own individual needs (hint: it might not be the "fastest"). We want to hear from you! DM us on Instagram or email us at doctorsofrunningpodcast@gmail.com and let us know what your favorite super shoe has been this year.


0:00 - Intro

3:00 - David's recent injury

8:46 - Favorite super shoes of the year: honorable mentions

17:42 - Third place

22:46 - Second place

30:10 - First Place

37:52 - How to wisely transition to training and racing in super shoes or spikes

47:28 - How to find the right racing shoe for you

53:04 - Wrap-up


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