It's time for another round of buy/sell, no maybes, no caveats here. Nathan, Matt, and David debate the utility of plyometric training, the value or supertrainers, running "slow", a post-race beer, and more. Hot takes only here!


0:00 - Intro

2:50 - Plyometric training will help train for the marathon distance

11:03 - Supertrainers that cost over $200

16:24 - Supertrainers are worth it for new runners

21:06 - Youth racing in Vaporflys

24:50 - Regular super shoes are better at short distance races than specific 5K/10K shoes

30:53 - Trainers without outsoles

34:47 - Run slow to run fast

44:54 - Post-race beer

50:04 - Minimalist footwear is a dying breed

54:48 - Wrap-up


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