Avsnitt Fortune and Strife S2 Epilogue - The Aftermath Fortune and Strife Spela Dela Facebook Twitter Kopiera länk
Thank you for Listening! Follow the Cast: Robert, the GM @Fulkerguy on Twitter, and Fulkerguy#6833 on Discord Jeanne, Doji Gen, hear more: CourtGames RPG, The Table is Yours, and check out Winter Garden of the Kakita Tyler, Akodo Riichi @ChurcherGames on Twitter, and check out their Twitch CourtGames is a fan project and is not an official affiliate of Fantasy Flight Games. Legend of the Five Rings is the property of Fantasy Flight Games. A hip-hop Japanese fusion by Annex Follow @L5RFnS on Twitter Any feedback is a gift, find us online: @CourtGamesPod on Twitter Join the L5R discord server Check out our website! Listen to the Courtgames RPG Cast Check out Crimson Gold Agonies, a CourtGames AP show Brought to you by our supporters on Patreon In affiliation with D20 Radio "Where Gamers Rule!" Find out more at https://fortune-and-strife.pinecast.co This podcast is powered by Pinecast. Rss Apple Podcaster →