It is our last week of teaching new skills (!), and our second to last episode of Season 1! This week, we wrap up the Reality Acceptance part of the Distress Tolerance Module by walking you through how to practice Radical Acceptance, step-by-step. 

We start the episode by sharing what acceptance looks like practically, according to DBT, and discuss how fully accepting the moment involves using both your body and your mind. Through listing a few scenarios that might be difficult to accept (i.e. a breakup or a tough relationship with a boss), we review all the steps and discuss how we like to practice each one. Throughout the practice of Radical Acceptance, it is crucial to be open to the experience and the emotions/thoughts that may arise (the DBT skill of "Willingness"). It is equally important to notice and "Turn the Mind" back to Willingness when "willfulness" shows up. 

Finally, we provide concrete ways to practice Willingness, particularly if you are feeling willful: "Half-Smile" and "Willing Hands." In addition to explaining why each of these contributes to a willingness to accept reality, Molly walks you through a guided practice in order to learn and apply the skill in real time. We hope you enjoy :)

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