“When you want a person to send an application to your vacancy, you let them know you have a vacancy to apply for. When you want a person to become aware of who you are as an employer, you talk about what kind of an employer you really are. And when you want a person to choose you as their preferred place to work, you have got to talk about how becoming their ideal place to work is going to transform their lives.” In this episode of the Building a Modern Employer Brand -podcast, I share with you what is the difference between your recruitment marketing and employer branding messages because they offer answers and insight into very different questions and needs. ⏱ 9:10 min In this episode: 💎 What exactly are employer branding messages? 💎 How exactly are recruitment marketing messages different? 💎 What kind of questions do these messages need to answer? Check out the complimentary blog post at: 🔗 https://bit.ly/3IxgdqH ************** 📩 Subscribe to the Weekly Podcast Email and stop missing out on my free, exclusive expertise tip or advice each week on the topic of the episode: https://bit.ly/33XoaCM ************** 💟 If you are on Instagram, follow my @talentmarketingpro -profile because you don't want to miss out on my free talent marketing tips and opportunities to expand your talent marketing acumen, all for free! ************** 👩🏻‍💻 Become a modern talent marketing student and get access to Talent Marketing School here: https://bit.ly/337hsd3

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