Alexis is joined by Andrew and Elliott for another of our chats about flight simulator venues.
We are also very pleased to welcome the popular YouTuber 320 Sim Pilot as our very special guest this episode. 320 Sim Pilot is a commercial pilot and started his YouTube channel just over a year ago. Since then his channel has gained nearly 45,000 subscribers with regularly uploaded videos numbering nearly 180 now providing tutorials and help to home sim users, reviewing new planes and scenery, and doing live stream routes all around the world.
320 Sim Pilot has been using Microsoft Flight Simulator since it’s launch last August, and he joins us to share his views and considerable experience with it. We also have a chat about how Microsoft Flight Simulator might impact on simulator venues in the future.
Our regular simulator news update is provided by Andrew this week, and we talk about Flight Simulator Association who should be joining us in a future episode of our podcast.
Podden och tillhörande omslagsbild på den här sidan tillhör Alexis, Elliott, and Andrew. Innehållet i podden är skapat av Alexis, Elliott, and Andrew och inte av, eller tillsammans med, Poddtoppen.