In this second part, Julia Birks talks about the Co-design and Deliver steps.  She notes that what’s also important at these stages is to understand the constraints of the sort of situation you're in, and how you can get the best outcomes. Low fidelity is a key. Don’t waste your time to create beautiful polished things, and spend as much time as possible communicating the intent or the concept or the experience that the people are going to have. That way, they can make sense of it and give you feedback. The idea is to have lots of people in the co-design sessions from within the business who tell you where your ideas are bad. You want people to let you know what's working, and what’s not.

If you want to build trust and confidence, start with your back of house staff and your frontline staff. Protect their privacy. Make them all feel part of a team. And make sure as part of that, you're establishing a regular feedback loop. So you can keep everyone across the business on the same page. However, you don't always get to this kind of level of maturity in collaborative design overnight. It takes time. It takes commitment, takes consistency but when you see the changes, it is all worth it.

Click here for the summary of each episode and the full transcript:

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