You wanted this kid. You hoped, prayed for, begged the universe, and waited for entirely too long to have this kid. So why, now that he's here, are you low-key regretting the choice to have kids at all? Does that make you a bad mom? Nope. It makes you a human. A human who needs to grieve. It's okay to miss your old life after you have kids. They change everything. Gwenna talks about her grief struggle after becoming a mom of three and has a few ideas on how to wade through your own. 

And, for something completely different, Gwenna interviews author Janet Lawless Christ about her new book Nugget the Nomad. You can win a copy of this adorable children's book - head to Instagram, or just listen for the deets. 

We need to thank our sponsors for their continued support and The Fox Sisters for the use of their song Stuck on You as the intro and outro of this podcast. Also featured in this episode is Scott Hines' Green Fields. All music from today's episode was sourced from If you'd like to contact Momma Cusses, please email with episode ideas or if you'd like to be a guest!

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