In the first episode, hosts Joeel & Natalie share the epic adventure that became an entrepreneur’s worst nightmare, after a chronic illness crumbled their businesses around them. They share what lead them to creating online courses and how online courses and the passive income they created saved their business and their lives. Today they have over 200,000 students from 195 countries – and when you hear how and why they went all-in as course creators, you will understand why they are so passionate about sharing their story and the stories of the other course creators they interview in this podcast.

But they don’t just want to inspire you with their story – they want you to understand how online courses can fit into YOUR business. So, this episode is also like Online Course Creation 101. They’ll cover the 3 secrets to creating a thriving online course, including: 1: How to turn what you know and love into online courses – including several real-life examples, 2: How to avoid perfectionism and use simple tools and what you have to get started now, and 3: different strategies for monetizing an online course, including how to decide which strategy is best for you.

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