What are indigenous peoples' traditional foods? And why are they so important? What does it mean that they are still being colonized and is it possible to decolonize these foods? what can we do in our daily lives to support indigenous peoples and if we belong to an indigenous people how can we support our community? Today I will have a conversation with Luis Francisco Prieto, Indigenous Peoples and Afrodescendant Focal Point at Slow Food International, with a special focus on the topic of food decolonisation.

Host and Production: Valentina GrittiGuest: Luis Francisco PrietoAudio Technical Support & Music: Leonardo Prieto Dorantes

Useful links:- Read more about the "Decolonize your food" campaign here: https://www.slowfood.com/our-network/indigenous/decolonize-your-food/ - Find out more about the Slow Food Indigenous Peoples Network here: https://www.slowfood.com/our-network/indigenous/about-us/ - Listen to voices of indigenous youth in our past podcast episodes, in the series "Voices from the roots": https://open.spotify.com/episode/2SH0X4tkVOlFqv1JUY8LCz - Join SF the Podcast Telegram group: https://t.me/+xSzaZeIyCUM1NjJk 

A project by Slow Food Youth Network (SFYN)

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