Welcome back to another episode in the Entrepreneurs with ADHD series!

Today, I’ll explore the legitimate reasons why many people decide against getting an official diagnosis, the challenges involved in obtaining one, and what you can expect if you're considering it. 

I’ll also share why I’m embracing the term "ADHD-ish" and advocating for a world where everyone, diagnosed or not, can feel supported and informed.

Stick around for an episode packed with insight, empathy, and a call for broader acceptance and understanding within the ADHD community.

Whether you’ve been diagnosed, suspect you might have ADHD, or are just plain curious, this episode is filled with insights you cannot miss.

What to expect in this episode:

  • The rigorous and often frustrating process of getting an official ADHD diagnosis as an adult.
  • Why many people, despite recognizing ADHD traits, choose not to get diagnosed 
  • Alternative labels like "fast-brained," "creative," or even the trendy "neurospicy."
  • How past experiences and societal misconceptions keep many from seeking an ADHD diagnosis and treatment.
  • Why I’ve started using terms like ADHD-ish to create more inclusivity 

If you have been diagnosed with ADHD, one of the decisions you’ll need to make is whether to share it with others, especially people you work with.

Join fellow ADHD coach Cathy Rashidian and I on July 19th for a LinkedIn Live discussion on if, when and how to disclose your diagnosis in the workplace or in your own business. 

🚀 Register Now for the next LinkedIn Live on July 19th 

💬 What did you think about this episode and the term ADHD-ish? Opinions? Thoughts? Harsh Words? I can handle it all. Share your feedback with me.

Email - Voice note -  DM on LinkedIn or Instagram

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