The Old Dingy Jukebox

The Old Dingy Jukebox


The Old Dingy Jukebox features a wide variety of down home American music styles played from a collection of 78rpm, 45rpm and LP records. Each show will take the listener on an aural journey exploring...

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The Old Dingy Jukebox features a wide variety of down home American music styles played from a collection of 78rpm, 45rpm and LP records. Each show will take the listener on an aural journey exploring the great American musical heritage. The show’s repertoire is deep and wide with an emphasis on early to middle 20th century Americana. Styles played on the show include the blues, jazz, old time string bands, traditional folk music, honky tonk, bluegrass and early country music. Informative, yet entertaining, the show’s host, Christian Gallo, includes brief historical tidbits and anecdotes that accompany a selection of often rare or obscure recordings. Sit back and have a listen

Podden och tillhörande omslagsbild på den här sidan tillhör Christian Gallo. Innehållet i podden är skapat av Christian Gallo och inte av, eller tillsammans med, Poddtoppen.