Award-Winning Horror Fiction Author, John Langan brings the Smarts and the Charm!

Welcome Novelist, Educator, Life-Long-New-Yorker, John Langan to TYOUSK Podcast!

In this Constant Reader Interview, John and I Chat:

-The Breathing Method on Film?

-The Quiet Power of The Stand's Final Players

-Favorite Stephen King Villain

-The Wheel of Ka

-So Much Short Story Love!

-The Richness of Repeat Readings

More from John Langan:

X: @MrGaunt

Instagram: @johnlanganwriter

Please Give the Show some Love and Post a 5-Star Rating on your Favorite Podcast Outlet!

End Credits: (Keys of Moon) Sound Cloud

X: @UnderratedSKPod

Insta: UnderratedSKPodcast

Kim C. Will Return with Finders Keepers!

Podden och tillhörande omslagsbild på den här sidan tillhör Kim C.. Innehållet i podden är skapat av Kim C. och inte av, eller tillsammans med, Poddtoppen.