[If you are interested, Amy and a friend of hers are hosting a free online meditation event this Tuesday, May the 26th at 7PM and anyone is welcome to join. If you want to sign up for that, you can click the link here to register. If you aren’t able to attend, make sure to follow Amy on social to be notified of upcoming events. Click here to sign up for the Live Online Meditation Event Tuesday, May 26th at 7PM  


In this episode, I sit down with actress, singer, artistmeditation instructor and my beautiful girlfriend Amy Rutledge.

This episode may be a little bit different than what you would expect, but I want to make sure I’m creating content for everyone that’s on this diet. That includes people that have issues with kidneys and kidney stones, any women out there that are struggling with oxalate issues that seem to be specific to them, and also just anyone who is having a tough time with their health in general, and feel like oxalates might be a contributing factor.

Amy has had quite the ride in the life as far as health issues go, and has done an unbelievable amount of work, both physical and emotional, to get to a place where she is feeling good and able to help other people get to that same place.

We sat down to talk a little bit about her journey, and how mindfulness and meditation have helped her along the way. She also shares a 14 minute meditation that is perfect for anyone who is struggling with their physical health.

If you are like me, wanting to get into meditation, and have had some trouble finding a style that fits you, maybe this can be that resource you have been looking for.

There are lessons in this episode for everyone, no matter your spiritual or religious beliefs. Mindfulness is, in extremely plain terms, just focusing on and enjoying the present moment, and meditation can be whatever you want it to be for you, so I hope you will enjoy this episode.

Feel free to reach out to me or Amy if you have any questions, and send her an email at meditatewithamy@gmail.com if you are interested in her current schedule of online meditation classes that you can join.

I hope you enjoy the episode!



[02:32] Amy shares her health struggles over the years with Lyme Disease and fibroid tumors [06:35] How things changed when meditation entered the picture [09:20] Serendipitous introductions to the work of Deepak Chopra and Louise Hay [10:38] Types of meditation and meditation tools[14:45] What is mindfulness? [19:48] Mindfulness in daily tasks, mindful walking and showering [23:20] Safe space/calm place creative visualizations [28:35] Meditation (~14 mins)



Click here to sign up for the Live Online Meditation Event Tuesday, May 26th at 7PM Deepak Chopra 21 Day Meditation Challenge Book – You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay Nalanda Institute Sound Bowl Meditation Cushion Dr. Bronner’s Lavender Soap Amy’s Instagram Amy Rutledge on Insight Timer Amy’s Facebook Page Dr. Wayne Dyer Manifesting Your Destiny YouTube series

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