Recorded 16 May 2020 Robbie is quite simply a Legend. A very focused individual. Extremely modest for someone with so much success. Never been married, no kids and a man known for living on the edge... Always had, always will!

Living in New Zealand now, into surf and kite, Robbie has lived, breathed and succeeded at free flight his whole career. Being hangliding world champ, then Paragliding world champ, then starting Ozone paragliding and now racing in probably the most dangerous race in the world....the Isle of Mann TT!

Robbie lives a "simpler" life now. Designing kites for Ozone and part owning high end Foil company, Armstrong foils in Raglan, NZ.

About moving to NZ with Matt Taggart.

Learning to foil.. Not that easy... 4 days.. "U gotta pay to play!"

How he got to race the TT.. His dad and motorcycles.. Great story!

"Love racing bikes on roads.. It brings your focus right into the moment."

"The herd society.. Jobs and lives due to indoctrination"

Individuality and self discovery.

About death and living your life to the full! Very strong life lessons.

"Rather burn out than fade away"

Tax the brain and body regularly

Raglan.. Best waves in NZ. Progressive Town.

Flexibly, the importance of stretching, meditation and body maintenance as we get older.

"Turning off the 6 voices in my head"

I can definitely feel the effects.. 30/40mins.

Breathing excersises

How organized religion and the standard schooling system is an indoctrination. Intriguing views.

Democracy...? There could be a better way to this.

"My good is the sun"

On being opinionated.

On how Corona Strengthed us.

On money and greed.. "in not only greedy for experiences"

Designing kites and speed wings for ozone. Malachi Templeton (sp) and Jamie Lee.

Xc flying würg Rob Gillard

Giving your all... What it takes

Big balls and 300kmh round the Isle of Mann on the bike.. Control and Age

Amazing and inspiring.. "My brother is my best friend.. He supported me through my difficult times.. I'm very dyslexic.. I couldn't read until I was 16!" anything is possibly.. Dedication. I want it so bad. Steps to take.

Sports and being creative are where my efforts go

How the schooling system is flawed.

Achieving huge things.

Surf calling at sunrise..

Worst hanglider... Airwave magic kisses (sp).

Owens valley.. Mid 90s.. 14 days world champs.. Torn sail, rock tied to a wingtip.

"I love rough conditions... But not on that wing! "

Worst paraglider.. Firebird Cult proto.. Early days of sail shaping on a high aspect ratio wing! "I used to be an animal.. But in Chamonix in a comp, my heart was in my mouth the whole flight! It was like balancing on a gym ball.. Absolutely intense!"

Amazingly delicious story!

"Anything is possible..everything around you is created by a man's mind.. It opens up a world of opportunity.. "

Go out and make anything your own reality

Living in the moment.. Short and long term memory issues.

Malachi Templeton (sp).. Unbelievable speedflying video

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