Rings, pagers, and cracked pots! Nick, Jordana, and Jeremy of “Page of the Wind” have escaped from the clutches of the insatiable Mister Mailbag and join RJ for a beautiful game in discussing the character Bredon, whom we meet in Severen during “The Wise Man’s Fear.”

Lots of Master Ash hypothesizing here, so buckle up for a ride on the Theory Train – though Jordana and Jeremy might try to convince us Bredon is just some dude. We also talk about Bredon’s motive in educating Kvothe and playing Tak with him, possible casting for Bredon, and if he is connected to the Fae, the Lacklesses, or the Jakises. I also lament the lack of diversity in the Chronicle, and Nick reminds me about the KKC webcomic that Rothfuss wrote about. We further talk about Cinder’s possible working relationship with Bredon, and those rumors about his pagan rituals. And what would a conversation about Master Ash be without Cthaeh and Denna being mentioned? Are we just reading too much into it?? Maybe! Bor Gullet will know the truth! Come on and enjoy the ride.

Special thanks to Nick, Jordana, and Jeremy from Page of the Wind for joining me. You can find their excellent DAILY re-read of The Kingkiller Chronicle on your preferred podcatcher.

Find me on Twitter at twitter.com/etrsop or email me, etrsop@gmail.com. Toss a talent or two my way to support my cold brew and Cheez-It supply at ko-fi.com/etrsop. Thank you for listening!

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