Get The Word Out - Word CDs

Get The Word Out - Word CDs


These Scripture recordings were produced to help us learn to pray in agreement with what God thinks and says by using His own words. We often default to prayers saturated with our opinions or emotions...

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These Scripture recordings were produced to help us learn to pray in agreement with what God thinks and says by using His own words. We often default to prayers saturated with our opinions or emotions; but God has an opinion, too! Agreement with His Truth is powerful and will focus our prayers.

Word CD recordings combine 45 to 60 minutes of continuous-play, Spirit-led music and the reading of Scripture, with each recording focusing on a different topic. Scriptures are read every 30-45, and then as the music continues, time is given to pray, memorize, sing, write about, sketch, or meditate on the Scripture just read. These recordings can also be used in conjunction with topical studies or played as a background, helping to keep the Word of God in your heart and mind.

Instrumental recordings are great for background music as you pray, or for simply providing a peaceful atmosphere. Some people enjoy creating their own melodies and lyrics as they listen to the music. There is no scripture reading on the Instrumental recordings.

All downloads are free. However, donations to Get the Word Out! will enable us to record and duplicate more CDs to give away in developing nations as they are available in several languages (with more being recorded all the time!). There is no suggested donation amount; please ask God how much to contribute so we can give these Word CDs to our brothers and sisters around the world. FYI, no one makes money from these records ~ all donations go directly back into recording, duplication, and distribution.

Hard copies of the CDs can be ordered by contacting us at

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