In this episode, Nicola Gelormino and Dave Lorenzo share five tips for a great holiday party experience. They discuss the importance of not overindulging in cocktails, keeping conversations positive and light, avoiding sales pitches at holiday parties, understanding the dynamics of different types of parties, and not having serious conversations at social events. The hosts emphasize the need to be mindful of one's behavior and to prioritize building relationships and enjoying the holiday season.


  • Moderate your alcohol consumption at holiday parties to maintain a professional image.
  • Keep conversations positive and avoid discussing sensitive or negative topics.
  • Avoid selling or pitching your business at holiday parties; focus on building relationships instead.
  • Understand the dynamics of different types of parties and adjust your interactions accordingly.
  • Avoid having serious conversations at holiday parties and respect others' boundaries.


00:00 Introduction and Setting the Stage01:05 Tip #1: Take it easy on those cocktails03:21 Tip #2: Only happy conversations04:23 Tip #3: Don't sell at holiday parties05:01 Tip #4: Speed date versus third date08:15 Tip #5: Don't pull people aside and ask for advice at a holiday party12:54 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

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