Let’s look at the second part of the so-called Double Event that chilled the people of Whitechapel to the bone on 30th September 1888. Catherine Eddowes was arrested for her own safety after being found drunk in the street, and ironically met her demise just 400 yards from the police station minutes after her release, her corpse mutilated in the most vicious and disgusting way that had yet been seen.
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Credits:Research, writing, narration and audio editing by Prash
Special Thank you to Peter Bleksley for his role as DI Edmund Reid
https://t.co/8aIpZRt5Eb?amp=1 Peter’s main website
https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p082d0hb Manhunt: Finding Kevin Parle
No part of this episode may be reproduced or copied in any form without the written permission of Prash’s Murder Map.
Ackroyd, P & other contributors, 2008, “Jack the Ripper and the East End”, Chatto & Windus, in association with the Museum in Docklands & Museum of London
“Bright’s Disease”, Wikipedia page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bright%27s_disease
Clack, Robert & Hutchinson, Philip, 2009, “The London of Jack the Ripper Then and Now”, The Breedon Books Publishing Company Limited, Derby
Evans, Stewart P., & Rumbelow, D, 2006, “Jack the Ripper – Scotland Yard Investigates”, Sutton Publishing Ltd, Gloucestershire
Evans, Stewart P., & Skinner, K, 2001, “The Ultimate Jack the Ripper Sourcebook An Illustrated Encyclopedia”, Robinson London
“Hallie Rubenhold”, Wikipedia page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hallie_Rubenhold
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Jones, Richard, “The Jewish East End”, Jack The Ripper.org, https://www.jack-the-ripper.org/jewish-east-end.htm
Jones, Richard, “The View from Liverpool”, The High Rip Gangs and the Jack the Ripper Murders, Jack The Ripper Tour, https://www.jack-the-ripper-tour.com/generalnews/the-view-from-liverpool/
Jones, Richard, “The Whitechapel Murders and the Jewish Community”, Jack The Ripper.org, https://www.jack-the-ripper.org/jewish-history.htm
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Uren, Amanda, “Hop Pickers c. 1900 – 1949”, Mashable.com, https://mashable.com/2017/06/03/hop-pickers/?europe=true