Occultist, Thelemite, part time esoteric content creator, and part time scarlet woman: Georgina Rose joins the podcast this week! Also known as Da'at Darling, Georgina and I talk ceremonial magick, being an occultist online, the decentralization of occultism, the benefits of working with people outside of your field, the algorithm, and more than a few hot takes about the internet's growing occult community as a whole. Grab a pen because this episode is full of tips, tricks, and book recs. Wowza!

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Podcast: Occultism with a Side of Salt

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Intro Song is "1985 Night Rider" by Tiny Music

Podden och tillhörande omslagsbild på den här sidan tillhör Mana Aelin. Innehållet i podden är skapat av Mana Aelin och inte av, eller tillsammans med, Poddtoppen.

Senast besökta

The Real Witches of the End Times

30. Spicy Thelema & Occult Hot Takes with Georgina Rose
