The Swim Squad

"Ask Me Anything" Including: Recommended Gym Equipment, USRPT Training, Finding Your Ideal Stroke Rate


This is the recording from that December 20, 2019 "Ask Me Anything" session in the Swim Squad Facebook Group.

There were TONS of great questions covering topics such as:

Recommended gym equipment for getting stronger and faster

USRPT Training

When do seek medical attention (for injuries, etc.)

Why some swimmers do not like using a pull buoy

Pro tips for getting back in the water after an extended hiatus

Finding your ideal stroke rate

P.S. Whenever you’re ready... here are 4 ways I can help you with your swimming:

1. Join our free Facebook community

This is where aspiring triathletes and open water swimmers hang out in an encouraging and supportive environment that is loaded with swimming tips and swim workout modules. —Click Here

2. Not sure how to get the most out of your swim workouts?

Download 6 of our swim workouts for free and give them a try for yourself. —Click Here

3. Join our case study program and Swimming Academy

I’m putting together an online group coaching program called The Swim Squad Academy this month.  If you'd like to work with me on your swimming remotely... just send me an Email ( with the word “Academy” in the subject line and I will get back with you and let's see if it's a fit.

4. Work with me and our Squad in Louisville, KY

If you’d like to work directly with me and our Squad in Louisville, KY... just send me a message or email ( with the word “Squad” in the subject line... tell me a little about your swimming and what your biggest challenges right now, and I’ll get you all the details!

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