In this insightful presentation, Val discusses how highly sensitive people are making self-employment a viable option.

Val addresses the 3 main concerns for people considering self-employment:




Practical strategies are given to break things down into manageable steps, including letting go of all the ‘outside noise’, tuning in to what feels good, and creating that heart-to-heart connection.

How we use energy as highly sensitive people is paramount to our well-being and sense of purpose and alignment. Val discusses her own experiences and the importance of visibility, collaboration, and referral. A lot can be learned from the Q&A included in the presentation.Val Nelson is a career and business coach for introverts and highly sensitive people (HSPs) who want meaningful work without the overwhelm. She enjoys helping people clarify their career or self-employment decisions. As an introvert and HSP herself, she used to think self-employment was not for her, yet now enjoys a thriving business and has learned to navigate the myths around what is possible. She believes strongly that living your true purpose is a practical possibility. She helps people through coaching, her small groups, her courses, and her blog. Learn more at


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